Student COVID-19 Immunization Attestation


How to complete the student COVID-19 Immunization Attestation


To help students complete their Student COVID-19 Immunization Attestation


Step 1: Go to the ctcLink Login page and log in. (Enter your ctcLink ID and password)

Step 2:  Go to ctcLink Student Homepage and select the Immunization Attestation tile

Step 3: In the Vaccination Details section. Select the Immunization or Exemption Type from the drop-down list and input the date received

Step 4: If applicable, to input Second dose information, click the [+] icon then select the immunization type and date

Step 5: Answer the Self Attestation section statement by clicking on the slider to display, "Yes I Agree."

Step 6: Answer the Disciplinary Action section statement by clicking on the slider to display, "Yes I Agree."

Step 7: Verify all information is accurate and then click Submit to save

Additional Information

!!! After clicking "Submit" your information will be saved, but you will stay on the page. !!!

Information will be saved, but you will stay on the page.  Click the ctcLink Student Homepage link at the top of the page to return to the Student Homepage

Further Reading:

Request Service

To request service with Student COVID-19 Immunization Attestation please fill out a ticket here ctcLink Help for Students  



Article ID: 4264
Thu 3/17/22 1:30 PM
Thu 2/2/23 7:06 PM