Keyboard Shortcuts

Tags ctcLink
To help students, faculty and staff understand how to navigate in ctcLink using keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

A hot key combination performs an action without pressing the Enter key. These keyboard shortcuts can be used in Campus Solutions, Finance, and Human Capital Management.

A printable version is attached to this Knowledge Base Article located to the right

Hot Key Result
ALT + 1 Saves a page in a transaction.
Moves to the Search or Add button on a search or lookup page.
Moves to the OK button on a secondary page.
ALT + 2 Returns to the search page from a transaction page.
ALT + 3 Views the next row in the list when the button is active.
ALT + 4 Views the previous row in the list when the button is active.
ALT + 5 Accesses the Look Up page that lists the valid values for a field.
Opens the calendar prompt.
ALT + 6 Opens the pop-up window on a page.
ALT + 7 Inserts a row in a grid or scroll area.
ALT + 8 Deletes a row in a grid or scroll area.
ALT + 0 In Expert Entry mode, activates the Refresh button, which validates the data entered on a page.
ALT + . Views the next set of rows in a grid or scroll area.
ALT + , Views a previous set of rows in a grid or scroll area.
ALT + / Finds data in a grid or scroll area.
ALT + ‘ Views all rows of data in a grid, scroll area, or search page results list.
ALT + \ Toggles between the Add a New Value and Find an Existing Value fields on a search page.
CTRL + J Displays the system information page if it is configured by an administrator to appear.
CTRL + K On a search or transaction page, displays a list of keyboard navigation hot keys and access keys.
CTRL + Y Toggles the Main Menu drop-down menu between expand and collapse.
Toggles the Menu pagelet between minimize and maximize.
CTRL + TAB Moves the focus through the frame set.
ENTER Activates the OK button, where appropriate.
On a search page, activates the Search button.
On a lookup page, activates the Lookup button.
ESC Activates the Cancel button, where appropriate.
ALT + 9 Accesses page, such as Help.
ALT + \ Toggles between Update/Display, Include History, and Correct History action modes on the toolbar on a transaction page.
CTRL + Z Accesses the menu search field if it is enabled.
CTRL + Y Expands the Main Menu.
CTRL + Z If the search field is configured to appear in the Main Menu, expands the Main Menu and moves the cursor to a search field.
Tab If the search field is configured to appear in the Main Menu, press Tab to move past the search field and sort icons to access the menu items.

Further Reading: