What is the Lockdown Browser (Respondus) and how do I install it on my device?


What is the Lockdown Browser and how do I install it on my device?
Respondus Lockdown Browser Information (Optional)


What is the Lockdown Browser and how do I install it on my device?

Respondus Lockdown Browser Information (Optional)

*Some instructors will require you to take and view your high stakes exams or quizzes on a more secure browser.  Others may ask you to have a web cam/microphone to take those tests as well.  Respondus LockDown Browser is that secure browser for taking quizzes in Instructure Canvas. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during an assessment. If a Canvas quiz requires that Respondus LockDown Browser be used, you will not be able to take the quiz with your standard web browser. Respondus LockDown Browser should only be used for taking Canvas Quizzes. It should not be used in other areas of Canvas.  If your instructor is using this browser they will ask you to download and install it. Instructions for download and install will follow below the overview video. This browser is also available for use on computers in the Building 15, Learning Resource Center, Computer Lab.  You can also use your iPad and Chromebook to test. 

On a PC | https://download.respondus.com/lockdown/download.php?ID=231842820

On a MAC | https://download.respondus.com/lockdown/download.php?ostype=2&id=231842820

iPad | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lockdown-browser/id659101775 (not the iPhone)

On a Chromebook | https://support.respondus.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409604344731-Can-a-Chromebook-be-used-with-LockDown-Browser-and-Respondus-Monitor-Higher-Ed-

Chromebook Extension | To install LockDown Browser Extension for Chromebook:

  1. Log in to the Chromebook and launch Google Chrome.
  2. Log in to Canvas and navigate to an exam that requires LockDown Browser.
  3. Select the Download Respondus LockDown Browser link to initiate software download and installation.  The LockDown Browser installation link will direct students to the Chrome web store, at which point they should select “Add to Chrome” to install the LockDown Browser Extension.

Important: You will NOT be able to search for the app directly from the Chrome web store. 


If you do not have a compatible device or the browser just is not cooperating you are welcome to make an appointment with eLearning 253.589.4534 or 253.589.5820 for assistance or to take your test requiring the Respondus Lockdown browser in our Computer Lab in Building 15.

You can also check with the Library staff (253.589.5544 or libtech@cptc.edu ) to see if a laptop that has Respondus already installed is available for check out for the quarter. 



Article ID: 4656
Mon 3/28/22 12:31 PM
Mon 3/28/22 12:31 PM