Print Friendly Student Schedule

Print-Friendly Student Schedule

Navigation:  Student Homepage > Manage Classes Tile

Manage Classes tile selection

  1. The View My Classes page displays your scheduled classes.
  2. Select the Printable Page button.

Printable page button selection

  1. The View My Classes pagelet displays.
  2. Select the Print button.

select the Print button

  1. The Print-Friendly version of View My Classes pagelet displays.
  2. Select the Print button to send to the printer and follow instructions for your specific printer settings to complete.

Print Friendly page select print button

  1. You have successfully printed your student schedule.

Staff can also print a student's schedule through NavBar > Navigator > Campus Community > Student Services Ctr (Student).  Select the My Class Schedule link on the left side of the page and then the appropriate term to continue; the Printer Friendly Page link is located at the bottom of the page.



Article ID: 4378
Mon 3/21/22 2:41 PM
Fri 4/8/22 11:08 AM