Enroll by My Requirements

Enroll by My Requirements

Navigation:  Student Homepage

  1. Select the Manage Classes tile.
  2. The Manage Classes menu is displayed on the left. 
  3. Select the Enroll by My Requirements link on the left menu to display the Enroll by my Requirements page.
  4. If the student has multiple Colleges or Careers, select the Change button at the top left and select the appropriate selection to display the Enroll by My Requirements page for the requested college and career.

Enroll by My Requirements page

  1. Scroll down the requirements list and select the lowest most indented requirement line for the requirement group that is designated as "Not Satisfied" by selecting the right arrow [>] at the end of the row.
  2. Course(s) that can be used to satisfy the requirement are displayed.  If courses do not display, select the Academic Progress arrow on the top left to go back to the requirements list. Find a requirement that displays a course list.

Enroll by My Requirements page

  1. Select a course by selecting the Course or selecting the right arrow [>] at the end of the row for that course.

Requirement Details page

  1. The Course Detail page displays. 
  2. In the top right corner, select the Add to Planner button.
  3. A message bar at the top of the page appears to confirm the course has been added.
  4. To add additional classes to the Planner, repeat above steps.
  5. Classes are added to planner.

Course Detail page

  1. After all desired courses have been added to the planner, select the View My Classes button to display a list of available colleges and terms.
  2. Select the Planner link on the left menu. 

View My Classes page

  1. The Planner page displays.
  2. Select the Unassigned Courses row from the planner list.
  3. Courses added to the Planner from the previous steps should display.

Planner page

  1. The Unassigned Courses page displays.
  2. Select a Course from the Unassigned Courses List.

Unassigned Courses page

  1. The Course Detail page displays.
  2. Select the View Classes button.
    • If one term is available the available class sections will display. 
  3. If more than one term is available for enrollment, select the enrollment term from the term list.

Course Detail page

  1. The available class sections display.
  2. Select the hyperlink from the Class row to view class details.

Course Information page

  1. The Class Information page displays.
  2. Select the [X] to close the Class Information page.

Class Information page

  1. The Course Information page displays with the list of class sections.
  2. To enroll in a section, select the right arrow [>] at the end of the row for that class section.

Course Information page

  1. The Class Search and Enroll Page displays in Step 1 of 4 to Review Class Selection.
  2. Select Next at the top right of the page.

Class Search and Enroll Step 1 of 4 page

  1. Step 2 of 4 Review Class Preference page displays.
  2. Input Wait List preference or Permission Number (if applicable) and select the Accept button.

Step 2 of 4 Review Class Preference page

  1. Step 3 of 4 Enroll or Add to Cart page displays.
  2. Select Enroll and select Next.

Step 3 of 4 Enroll or Add to Cart page

  1. Step 4 of 4 Review and Submit page displays.
  2. Select the Class Preferences arrow to confirm selections and, if satisfied, select the Submit button.

Step 4 of 4 Review and Submit page

  1. Submit confirmation displays.
  2. Select Yes to confirm submission.

Submit confirmation window

  1. A message bar at the top of the page appears to confirm the course has been added to your schedule or will give any error details.
  2. Select View My Classes on the Left Menu to review class schedule.

Confirmation page

  1. The updated View My Classes page displays.

updated View My Classes page

  1. Process complete.